Primates and many species of rodents from rats to dogs have all been seen killing and eating their young. Insects, amphibians, reptiles, and birds also have been implicated in the killing, and sometimes devouring, of their own progeny. But do we have any idea that one day earth also will be devoured by its own originator namely Sun? Earth was created by Big bang around 4.5 billion years ago.
Although how stars and planet formed remain a subject of debate and avoiding any kind of debate here I would like to take you through the article. It is well known that in many civilizations and customs, Sun has been denoting as the father. According to the scientific research and available data, it was stated that one day in future, Sun will devour its child earth, a type of universal infanticide. The astronomers have been able to calculate that the sun's energy store will last for about 11 billion years based on the mass of sun and amount of energy it emits.
As the sun convert 700 million tonnes of hydrogen into helium every second and is being reduced in mass, eventually becoming lighter. As four hydrogen atom converted in one helium and one helium atom is lighter than four hydrogens.
Therefore every second sun slims down by 5 million tonnes. Earth-moon and sun are 4.5 million years old according to the rocks found on earth and moon. These all were created at the same time by the big bang. And in about 5 million years when sun's hydrogen will exhaust it will become the red giant, though astronomers are not sure how large it will swell in this phase of development, the sun will consume nearby planet namely Venus and Mercury. However, life on earth also will not be possible as the menacing sun will shine with 2300 times its current intensity subsequently devouring even bacteria on earth. After 5 billion years it will be gigantic infanticide of the universe.
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