
Everything You Need To Know About Phantom In Legislative Assembly Of Rajasthan, India.

We are living in the 21st century and heading toward an ultra modern world where science has taken over the control of everything including the mind of people. Yet there are some people despite being highly educated and well mannered are permeated with blind-belief. Most of us see a ghost in horror movies and still, people believe into them but most of them are the illiterate or backwards. But the incident has taken place at Legislative assembly of Rajasthan over-turned this myth that only uneducated people believe in ghost. However some of the MLAs (Member of Legislative Assembly) during assembly meeting allege shadow of phantom over parliament house. Rumors about ghost were in the air on 23 Feb. The scene erupted following the death of an MLA Mr.Kalyan Singh Chauhan before two days. Just after his demise a few of the MLA accusing shadow of ghost in parliament and saying that attending assembly meeting by all 200 MLA was never witnessed in past. 
One of the MLA stated that "it was heard that phantom become active after 12 PM, so all the proceeding of assembly must be completed before that".  
Other MLA Mr. Kalu Lal asked to set-up a committee to investigate about presence of ghost in house.
While chief architect Harsh Khatana who designed the building said to a news paper reporter that it was constructed as per the Vastu Shastra (having good omen) and nothing went wrong in design that leads to any superstition.

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